“Water Island is CRUSHING it!” 

A recycling program pilot has finally arrived at Water Island.  Starting Wednesday, January 24th, and every Wednesday from 8AM to noon you can drop off your aluminum cans and water bottles at the old “bus stops” by the firehouse. You can also drop off both bagged and loose (singular) recycle material 24/7 at the bus stops if you can’t make it on Wednesdays.

Bagged recycle is delivered to Crown Bay on Saturday mornings and collected by the Recycling Coordinator for the Saturday collection at The Market on St. Thomas. If possible, please crush your items to save on space. A VERY special thanks go out to volunteer Teri Pearsall, who loans and drives her truck to get all this material moved off-island

There is a working “color code” for trash on-island that is very functional:

Black bags = Garbage
Blue bags = Processed Recycle, ready to go to St. Thomas
Clear bags = Bags waiting to be processed/mixed materials

As of mid-May, we’ve collected and processed over 35,000 cans and at least that number of plastic bottles. That means the material is off-island and NOT in the Bovoni Landfill.

A big thank you goes out to Katie Eyre and Kevin Butler for organizing this recycling program!

If you have any questions just reach out.