WHEREAS, James Powers (Jim) Wilkinson, a long-time and most-beloved resident of Water Island, passed away on Wednesday, October 19, 2022; and
WHEREAS, throughout his years living on Water Island, Jim gave freely of his time and energy to promote fellowship among residents and visitors alike by, among other things, flipping burgers, initiating movies, and hosting weekly Bingo games on the beach; and
WHEREAS, Jim served Water Island faithfully as an officer and active member of the Water Island Civic Association (WICA), including serving as president and as MC of the annual WICA auction and creating and maintaining WICA’s website; and
WHEREAS, Jim’s joyful spirit, kindness, and good works will live on in the memories of Water Islanders for years to come; and
WHEREAS, the members of the WICA Executive Committee wish to extend our sincere condolences to Marion Wilkinson and the Wilkinson family as well as to acknowledge our indebtedness to both Marion and Jim for their contributions to the island;
Resolved, that the Water Island Civic Association, on behalf of all Water Island residents:
- formally express our appreciation and gratitude for the goodwill and friendship that Jim embodied; and
- make a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project in honor of Jim’s service to our country as a soldier, officer of the law, and public servant, as well as to our island as a community leader and role model; and
- record this Resolution in the minutes of the Water Island Civic Association on this, the 22nd day of October, 2022.
Thank you note from Marion Wilkinson