Get Involved!
Water Island is a small community that absolutely requires the involvement of all residents in order to maintain our fantastic way of life.
Please review the committee responsibilities below and let us know where you can lend your unique skills!
Committees are not usually meant to be comprised of only one person – multiple people involved in each committee makes the load easier for everyone and the level of creativity and connectedness greater. Even if there are members on a committee already, that does not mean you cannot join one – the more the better!
Vision Statement
We recognize the upcoming challenges of our environmentally finite resources, and we are, therefore, dedicated to the ecologically responsible development of a diverse, yet pristine, low-density residential community with our outstanding Caribbean quality of life.
We will strive to maintain a community where the use and distribution among residential and commercial functions is harmonious and stable, and remains balanced economically.

Executive Committee Responsibilities
President | 1) Preside over all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee. 2) Appoint all committees. 3) Member of all committees except Nominating. |
Vice-President | 1) In the absence of the President, discharge duties of President. 2) Maintain records of all property and equipment owned by the Association. 3) Conduct surveys of the membership to define priorities. |
Treasurer | 1) Collect and distribute funds at the direction of the EC. 2) Maintain financial records of the Association. 3) Submit financial documents required by the VI Government and Federal Government. 4) Submit tax forms required by the IRS. 5) Three weeks prior to the annual meeting, present financial records to the Auditing Committee. |
Secretary | 1) Maintain written records of the proceedings of the association. 2) Prepare and distribute correspondence. 3) Maintain records and files. 4) Maintain the Corporate Seal and all documents which must be filed annually with the VI government and the federal government. |
Members at Large | Participate as members of the Executive Committee. |
Executive Committee | 1) Supervise and conduct the business of the Association, subject to the Bylaws. 2) Determine the appropriate action to be taken to implement the ideas and goals expressed and supported by a majority of the membership of the Association. 3) Report regularly, in writing, to the membership, so that it is fully informed concerning plans, work in progress, or work completed on behalf of the Association. |
Committee Responsibilities
Abandoned Vehicles | -Work with the Government to ensure that abandoned vehicles are removed from the island to maintain the visual appeal and safety of the island. The purview includes golf carts, cars, and derelict boats. |
Auditing | -No less than 3 weeks prior to the annual meeting, receive from the Treasurer all financial records of the Association. Receive property records from the Vice President. Make a complete audit of all funds and accounts and verify physical property. Complete an audit of the records and report at the annual meeting. |
Beach | -Work with Water Island Development Company – who holds the lease to the beach area – to ensure that the beach is well-maintained, litter-free and safe and attractive to all Water Island residents and visitors. |
Beautification | -Encourage and coordinate volunteer efforts in maintaining and improving the appearance of beaches, parking lots, roadsides, and other public areas. -Assist and advise agencies of the Virgin Islands Government as it assumes responsibilities for beautification, maintenance, and cleanup. |
Fundraising & Social | -Work to coordinate and execute social events whose proceeds benefit the Association, as well as other fundraising efforts throughout the year. |
Government Liaison | -Assist in communications with GVI officials such as the Governor’s Office, DPNR, Public Works, and the Water Island Administrator to work to achieve committee goals and represent the best interests of Water Island and WICA. |
Membership | *The Treasurer will be an ex-officio member of the committee. -Encourage new membership and verify the eligibility of prospective members of the Association. -Maintain current membership lists and coordinate with the Treasurer the financial records relating to payment of dues and assessments. -Keep attendance records at the Annual Meeting and at general and special meetings, and to advise the President of a quorum. |
Nominating | *Consists of 3 members, one of which is the Vice President. -Prepare slate of officers and members-at-large who have consented to serve, from a list of members in good standing. -Submit to the Executive Committee at least fifty days prior to the annual meeting. |
Roads & Docks | -Coordinate with the Government efforts to resurface, repair, or otherwise make improvements to the road system, public parking areas and public docks. |
Roadsides | -The Roadsides Clearing Committee is responsible for coordinating the cutting of vegetation away from the road surfaces to ensure the safety of blind and semi-blind intersections, and to work with the Government (DPW) in their annual roadsides vegetation clearing efforts. In the December timeframe, the Committee Chair is responsible for communicating with the President and incoming President (if different), to establish a committee budget for the upcoming year to maintain the safety and good appearance of roadsides. The DPW roadsides work crew is typically organized in early to mid-November and takes place in early December. |
Security | -Work to coordinate and execute social events whose proceeds benefit the Association, as well as other fundraising -Assist in reporting and de-escalation of security situations on the island and notify USVI Police as-needed in the event of unlawful conduct. |
Technology | -Advises and maintains the technology infrastructure of the Association; including Internet domains (GoDaddy), DNS (AWS Route53), e-mail (Google Business) and web hosting (AWS Lightsail), website content management (WordPress), digital document repositories (GDrive), virtual meeting software (Zoom), financials (Quickbooks Online) and payment (PayPal/Venmo) software, membership and directory database and publication software (Adobe InDesign) and any other technology needs as required to support the Corporation/Association. |
Waste Management | -Work with the Government to ensure the timely removal of waste (oil, tires, metals and rolloff container household waste) from the Waste Transfer Station. -Ensure the vegetation disposal area (“Green dump”) is operable through periodic clearing of the area. |