Local Businesses
Below are a list of local businesses either located on Water Island or run by Water Islanders. To have your business listed, contact hello@wica.vi
Last Updated: 8/2/2024.
Name | Type | Contact |
4 Elements Culinary & Wellness Center | Cooking School | |
Antillean Yacht Charters | Yacht Charters | |
Bayside Marine Service (Saint ferry) | Vehicle ferry | (340) 690-1060 |
Crossing on Water Island | Shaved Ice Shop, Local Art | |
Dinghy’s Beach Bar & Grill | Bar & grill | |
Fourth Island Charters | Fishing Charters | |
Heidi’s Honeymoon Grill | Restaurant | |
Rachael’s Rentals | Golf cart rentals | |
Rachael’s Repairs | Golf cart parts, repair and rental. automotive and marine repair, welding and fabrication, boat haul out/launch | RachaelsRepairs@gmail.com |
Style-A-Dog | Pet supplies & grooming | |
Virgin Islands Campground | Campground | |
Water Island Ferry | Water taxi | |
Water Island Management | Full service property care-taking and guest management | waterislepm@gmail.com Doug 340-201-8927 or Rachael 340-201-8782 |
Water Island Real Estate & Concierge | Real Estate & Provisioning Service | |
WI-mart | Grocery store |
Local Handymen & Women
If you would like to be listed here, please contact hello@wica.vi
Name | Services Provided | Contact Info. |
Advantage Services VI | Excavating, Landscaping, debris removal | Manuel Lopez, 340-422-5195 advantageservicesvi@gmail.com |