On August 25th, 2022, DPNR posted a notice informing the public of a St. Thomas Coastal Zone Management Committee Meeting to hear testimony on a Major CZM permit (CZT-01-22). The permit is requesting to build a 14-unit Eco Resort on the former Limestone Terrance lots overlooking Flamingo Bay.
Here is a link to the notice.
Here is a link to the Resort Proposal. (16MB PDF file)
WICA advised the community via several Water Island Facebook channels that it would collect concerns and comments for the Committee and the developer. Those comments were collected and provided to CZM 2 weeks in advance of the hearing, and they were read into testimony (into the record) at the end of the meeting on September 13th, 2022.
Here is a link to the questions provided.
One additional narrative was provided by Jerry and Carolyn Barth and it was also read into the hearing record.
There were several passionate testimonies given at the hearing, most commonly around objections to noise and light pollution, overcrowding, and strain on the emergency response services (WISAR) and other infrastructure.
The Committee is planning a site visit in late September and will then schedule a final hearing. The public has one more week to submit any additional written testimony as part of the application consideration. These should be sent to czm@dpnr.vi.gov
Renditions Presented at the Hearing: