The Governor’s Town Hall Meeting last month is creating positive results for Water Island. Please spread the word to let everyone know that parks their vehicles in Krum Bay by Wapa that on Oct 21-22 DPW will have a roadside crew and equipment on site to rid the area of trash and debris, 7:30-3:00. This event may not take two days to complete.
VIWMA will have 2 bins for debris and trash removal.
The Administrator will have a wrecker on standby to remove all derelict vehicles. So we’re going to need the vehicles to relocate until the clean up is completed.
Please spread the word about this good news. Our cooperation can help make this effort a success. Another result to come out of the meeting is that WICA will receive proceeds totaling approximately $10,000 from a grant by Property & Procurement to make repairs at Fort Segarra to enhance safety and improve appearance. Rachael Ackley will be driving this project. If you’re willing to help with this worthwhile project, please contact Rachael or David Roselle.